“I attended your Paleo seminar on October 10th and thoroughly enjoyed it! Finally a way of eating that makes sense and doesn’t involve starving . I’ve been eating Paleo since the seminar and I just wanted to share some amazing results. I have always had psoriasis (scalp only) since I can remember (I’m 42) to some degree. Just before starting Paleo it was pretty bad (rather snowy!). After one week no psoriasis! I’m over the moon! No other variables – such as changing shampoo.
Though I’m not taking up the 30 day challenge – I’m just not that pure – I will remain following this eating plan to my utmost ability as it simply works. I also have minimal bloating (I still eat more fruit than recommended, as I love it).
I didn’t know a great deal about Paleo prior to the seminar, other than reading a North and South article, and from my friend who invited me to go to your seminar. I would strongly recommend anyone wishing to follow Paleo attend one of your seminars first – as getting a clearer understanding helps with keeping motivated. I particularly enjoyed the science on a cellular/molecular level as it suits the way I think.
Kindest Regards