I use this resource frequently to get unbiased clinical research on supplements and dietary recommendations. I regularly recommend it to other health professionals and clients.
Head to the Examine.com for product info and sales
The Examine team is a full-time team of scientists who analyse nutrition, health and supplement research, and nothing else. They screen, curate, and summarise these studies, to make it easy for all of us to keep up to date.
NOTE: much of their information is free, however for their more in-depth guides it is worth paying a little extra.
The products I personally use are the
1. Examine Membership
2. Supplement guides
The Examine Membership includes all the research analysis that takes place at Examine on a monthly basis:
- Study Summaries: Stay on top of the latest research with a breakdown of 150+ new studies every month on the health topics you personally care about.
- Study Deep Dives: Take a deeper look and understand the details and nuances of the most important studies analyzed every month.
- Study Database: Quickly and easily get a big-picture overview of what works across over 400 supplements and over 600 health topics and outcomes.
If you just want clear guidelines for supplementation (dosage, timing, combinations, warnings, and more) based on what the science says, then these are perfect for you.
What do the Supplement Guides offer?
Removes confusion – For any given supplement/ingredient or issue you look up, there an explanation of the current evidence. The Guides tell you explicitly what supplements to take when to take, how much to take, and the best combinations.
Doesn’t make blanket recommendations – The Guides breaks down supplements into four tiers, based on how strong the effect is and the level of evidence. This makes it easier for you to make informed choices about which supplements are evidence-based.
Never outdated information – You get free lifetime updates, and the content is updated every year.
For more information and purchase of Supplement guides
For more information on all products from Examine.com
P.S. This is an affiliate link and I do get a small percent of each sale, at no extra cost to you, however I recommend these products regardless.
If you need any help with your diet or nutrition advice, I am currently using Zoom, Skype, or Facetime for appointments.
Julianne Taylor
NZRN, PGDip Sci (Nutrition)
Registered Nutritionist
+64 21 680703